Well, it's finally that time of year. Christmas is just around the corner. I am really looking forward to many firsts this Christmas. Two of the big ones are celebrating our first Christmas overseas and celebrating Noah's first Christmas, well, ever. It will be one filled with much happiness and many, many pictures.
As we prepare for our own Christmas here in our home we have many things going on to lead up to Christmas in our community. Here are a few things to pray for us in the next week.
The Christmas Musical. Yes, please pray for the Christmas musical.
Our musical is on December 8th and I am playing the piano for it. I am so nervous about this because I have never done this kind of thing before in all my years of playing the piano. It should be interesting and hopefully it will turn out great and everything will work out by the time of the play. This is a BIG chance for so many people to hear the true Christmas story here in Nagoya. The kids will be singing and acting to tell this story and I am really excited to see what the Lord will do with this performance. If you think about it on December 8th please pray for a smooth and powerful performance.
The Homeless Ministry.
Justin has been heading up a ministry opportunity for the high school students to participate in. He has visited the homeless ministry and found out what there needs are and this Saturday the 4th he and some of the other secondary teachers will be taking the highschoolers to be a part of the homeless ministry. They are taking hundreds of clothing pieces that they have collected themselves and will be serving during the bi-weekly service they have for the homeless. The homeless here in Nagoya are a forgotten people group that the city would love to ignore completely. But hopefully through our high school students and their teachers they will feel the love of Christ and for one night feel like they have been cared for by someone ultimately pointing them to our Father. So, once again if you have a minute on December 4th pray for this as well.
I hope you all are enjoying getting ready for Christmas this year. What holiday ministries are you participating in this year? I would love to hear about it and pray for you!
Picture taken at Nagoya Station.

Amy, I'll be praying for you all on December 8th and with the homeless ministry. And I'll be praying for the people who will hear the Good News! I love the pic of you all outside of Nagoya station. I was thinking, "Oh, I have been there before!" But I've never been at Christmas and the lights are beautiful!