One thing I really miss about living in Florida is the connection I had with my family. It is the single hardest thing about living overseas for me, especially during the holidays. And even more so when my baby boy is growing like crazy.
This made me so thankful that my mom and brother were able to endure the 20-something hours of travel across the ocean to come see us for New Years. I got to see my mom love on her grandbaby for 10 days. I also got to hear all about how my brother's first year of college is going and how life is treating him back home. In return, they got to try real sushi (my mom for the first time), shop for crazy Japanese foods in the grocery store, ride a Ferris wheel on the side of a building, visit a super amazing aquarium, experience the subway system here in Nagoya and much much more.
It was a wonderful trip. And I am thankful to say that I will get another visit from my mom and a first time visit from my sister in March and I will again get to see my dad next week.
I am looking forward to it.
If you live near family don't take it for granted. Spend time together. Speak words of love to each other often. Make time to share adventures together. So when the time comes to start your own adventure, you will have many memories to cherish.
I'm so glad you had such a good time with your family! I know it has to be hard living so far away! Enjoy the times coming up with family!! By the way, your boy is ADORABLE!!!