Monday, February 20, 2012
Our Sick Weekend.
I wish I had something more interesting to write about today, but unfortunately we have been home sick all weekend. Noah has/had the flu and Justin had a respiratory infection. Sorry I didn't have more postings this week but I did want you to know why there hasn't been much going on here.
So, after two sleepless nights, a TON of coffee for mommy, coughing and runny noses, really high fevers, a trip to the Sunday clinic, a $400 dollar medical bill, nasty medicine, naps, more Nick Jr. shows than I can count, a totally peed out futon, several warm baths and several readings of "Brown bear, Brown bear." I think we are on the mend.
Thank you to all who knew of Noah's sickness and prayed for us. Thank you for our friends who took trips to the store for us, and THANK YOU Noriko (if you are reading this) for taking us to the clinic, translating for us, taking us to the drug store...on a Sunday, WITH A SMILE! You were so good to us and made things so much easier!
We hope you have had a better weekend than we did and the flu stays far, far away from your homes!

glad your little guy is feeling better. will keep praying for your family!